Anderson Stinson, III

Actor | Voice Actor

Anderson Stinson, III | Theater | Professional Actor | Voice-Over Artist

Hey! I’m Anderson

Analytical. Explorative. Curious. Imaginative. Growing up, all I knew was math and science. I went to fairs, conventions, and camps for the sole purpose of learning about and exploring our complex world. When it comes to aspirations, being a doctor or zoologist was the dream. Even in college, there was a declaration of a pre med degree to follow that goal. Until, I accidentally auditioned for my college’s sketch comedy troupe right after arriving.

Although the dramatics very quickly drew me away from STEM, the drive to think critically, be curious, and break down our world to their most authentic parts never left. Performance allowed a breath of humanity and empathy that the objective world that was once so familiar never provided.

As a camera, voice, and theater actor, I’ve been awarded and nominated for several accolades.  A portfolio of equity productions, independent films, roles in commercials, and more line my resume. I’ve gotten to work with brands like NIKE, SONY, and even COCA-COLA! With every role that’s offered, the many beautiful facets of the world get to shine through and breathe life again and again. My start in sketch comedy gave me a foundation as a storyteller to be very adaptable, spontaneous, and versatile to a degree that I wear with pride. Any training and work as an actor after has only honed those skills.

To continue working the brain, any free time is spent solving puzzles, crushing escape rooms, and playing board games. The drive to collaborate with others and to become immersed in worlds to bring them to life only gets stronger everyday. Although on a new path, I still love the opportunity to move and help others just now through cries and laughter. All of the characters I play will deliver a sense of youth, levity, charisma, and still some nerdiness that you won’t want to miss.

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